About Us

Our Objectives:

Brixham Does Care is a registered befriending Charity which attempts to combat isolation and loneliness and has been since 1978. We offer support to people of all ages living in Brixham and surrounding areas:

Brixham Does Care Aims:

  • To relieve social isolation and improve quality of life. Inspire people to be involved as valued members of the community.
  • Support and encourage wellbeing, raise awareness and promote understanding.
  • Help people to overcome their challenges and to provide befriending support in the home and out in the community.
  • Reassure all those who are vulnerable and encourage independence.
  • We provide a safe and friendly environment to encourage social interaction by:
  • Offering a wide variety of community activities, groups and excursions.
  • Providing support, information and signposting, and a visiting Team.
  • A community cafe for friendship and affordable refreshments.
  • Lunch club to bring people together to enjoy a hot meal and to socialise with friends.
  • To assist with Attendance Allowance, Blue Badge forms, and other advice.
  • To encourage health and wellbeing.
  • Supporting and training a committed team.
  • Working closely with other organisations and acting as a facilitator to ensure that the needs of our local people are met.

To make available:-

  • a community room and meeting room for companionship
  • a cafe offering low cost refreshments which is open from 10am – 1pm Monday to Wedneday
  • befriending support
  • benefit promotion and direction
  • confidential listening ear
  • information and signposting
  • minibus outings
  • luncheon club
  • volunteer opportunities

To organise group activities including:-

  • arts group
  • handicarfts group
  • bingo
  • ladies’ group
  • support group
  • olde buoys club
  •  knit and natter
  • lunch club

Volunteers & Staff…….

Volunteers and staff have worked well together, needing each others’ forbearance and support.  We now have over 50 volunteers who regularly give their time to support Brixham Does Care in all its activities and we could not function without them.  In the work we undertake it is sometimes difficult to balance the enthusiasm of one person or group against the needs of another.  The work of our volunteers is our lifeblood, it is invaluable and we genuinely value their hard work and we thank them for all they do in the course of a year.  The more difficult and complex aspects of our work naturally fall on staff as they are able to provide continuity, expertise, detachment, confidentiality and liaison with professionals.